Welcome to
the MITstem Advanced STEM Programme (ASP).

Nurturing today’s generation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to prepare them for the technical challenges of the future!


ASP for STEM Education

Our After School Tech Programmes host a variety of classes for students as young as 7-years-old to achieve great heights in STEM education. These weekend courses are perfect for students enrolled full-time throughout the week.

Student Activities and Events



Avinesh and Chi Tong

All our students are invited to grow and share their thoughts and experiences with one another, building long-lasting friendships!

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Student Demos

Each gets a chance to showcase their skills and what they have learnt through demonstrations!

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Siew had the opportunity to present her projects in front of an audience, with all the support from family, friends and MITstem staff.


Drone Piloting

Every student, with their own drone kit, can pilot their own devices. It’s fun for the students, and engaging for everyone else to see!